You can upload an aerosol phase function file here, which must be in such format:
The first line is the single number of scattering angles NN (integer);
Two numbers in each of the next NN lines (angles in degree OR cos(ang), then
phase function).
Angles should be between 0.0 and 180.0 if in degree or -1.0 and +1.0 if in cos(ang).
Here is the code in COART to read the data:
c ... open(13, file='phasefunction.dat',status='old') read (13,*) nn do i=1,nn read (13,*) ang(i),phs(i) enddo c ...Here is a sample file:
10 0.0 154.049 1.00 133.179 2.00 103.359 8.00 23.296 25.00 3.361 50.00 0.8468 100.00 0.14908 150.00 0.24479 175.00 0.27847 180.00 0.35043Of course, usually you need more than 10 angles to resolve an actual phase function, but please keep it less than 1000 to save computation time.